
Quality Policy

We, at CII, Northern Region Headquarters at Chandigarh, strive to uphold the values of corporate CII, and strive to serve all our stakeholders and become the preferred Industry Association in Northern India.

For this, we are committed to:

  • serve our membership by providing them effective value added services through policy advocacy, training, dissemination of information, participation in programmes/events and raising customer satisfaction levels continually;
  • develop synergy between the regional and corporate offices, promote membership, activities, render enhanced services and achieve financial targets;
  • motivate and develop core competencies in employees by providing them with a conducive work environment; and
  • promote social equity by encouraging our membership to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CII NR HQs is committed to comply with the requirements of the Quality Management System and to continually improve its effectiveness through employee involvement.


As a part of the Quality Management Systems adopted at CII, Northern Region Headquarters, Chandigarh, we have established the following as Quality Objectives:

achieve Membership satisfaction levels of 60% through our services;

establish one-on-one contact with 50 members every month;

  • achieve a reduction in expenses by 5%;
  • minimise the drop in membership
  • map competency levels of all functions at CII, NR Headquarters, Chandigarh;
  • aim at 10% of our membership adopting CSR best practices.

Pikender Pal Singh
[Executive Director]
CII- Centre of Excellence for Competitiveness for SMEs
Confederation of Indian Industry
CII Centre of Excellence for Competitiveness for SMEs
Block No. 3, Dakshin Marg
Sector 31-A
Phone : 91-172-2602365 / 2605868 / 2607228
Email :

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