Human Resource Development

Trade Union Leaders
Photo Caption: From L – R: Dr K Anantha Gowda, Convenor, HR Panel, CII Mysore & GM – HR, Jubilant Generics Limited, Mr A C Narendra, Advocate and Management Consultant & President, IMA, Mysore, Mr Amit Kumar, Vice Chairman, CII Mysuru & Business Unit Head - Metering & Protection Systems, Larsen & Toubro Limited, Mr H Mahadevan, Working President of AITUC & Deputy Gen. Secretary of World Forum of Trade Unions, Dr N Muthukumar, Immdt. Past Chairman, CII Karnataka & President & Whole Time Director, Automotive Axles Ltd, Mr Meenakshi Sundaram, General Secretary, CITU, Karnataka, Mr Satheesh Kumar D, Vice President – Operations, Rane (Madras) Ltd, Mr Gopal Krishna Sastry, Co-Convenor, HR/IR Panel CII Mysore & GM-HR/Admin, Wuerth Elektronik India Pvt Ltd

Mysuru: Transparent discussion between management and union will always make the industry strong; unless the industry are strong we will not be able to generate money and employment, only when we generate employment that too in competitive environment country can progress said N Muthukumar, Immediate Past Chairman, CII Karnataka and President and Whole Time Director, Automotive Axles Limited.

Speaking during interactive session organised by CII, Mysuru chapter on ‘Progressive Approach for Industrial Relations with Management and Trade Union Leaders at Hotel Southern Start on Tuesday he said “Four year in a row, CII is organizing meeting between trade union and management to understand certain basic principles which helps in the peaceful industrial environment. Earlier we used to hear strike and all, CII strongly believes that these types of difference in opinion comes because of lack of trust between trade union and management. Our objective is to have both of them in same platform, discuss broader issues to make their company and country competitive”.

“Without trade union, management cannot achieve anything and without management trade union can’t achieve anything. Everybody should work together and we feel many of companies the problems comes in terms of lower productivity or in terms of industrial unrest is only because of lack of trust and lack of understanding between trade union and management. Last three to four years lot of industrial unrests have come down.

H Mahadevan, Working President of AITUC and Deputy General Secretary of World Forum of Trade Unions who also spoke on the occasion said “Many Supreme Court decisions including the latest decision that all temporary workers who are on contract or casual worker are entitled to the minimum wages of the concerned industry’s permanent workmen, are not being implemented in the industry. Laws which are there are not implemented and not allowed to be implemented also. Minimum wages, Recognition of Unions, Typical forms of employment, are three issues which are currently there and will be there in future as well. Surprisingly, 1957 Indian labour conference came out with certain norms which are yet to be implemented. There cannot be social dialogue unless there is no role of trade union. In the days to come our approach is first follow the international convention, and then follow the laws and have bypartism as a tool”. Meenakshi Sundaram, General Secretary, CITU, Karnataka mentioned that unionisation in unorganised industry is just 10 percent.

Amith Kumar, Vice Chairman of CII Mysuru said “For any country’s progress, industry’s progress are very important. For industry to grow in the country, the atmosphere in shop floor needs to be conducive. For that employees play an important role as well the union leaders. Trade union leaders also play very important role on this. Mysuru industry has grown over the years but long way to go to catch up bigger industry.

AC Narendra, Advocate and Management Consultant and President IMA, Mysuru who moderated the session proposed few issues including Falcon Tyre issues for discussion with management and union. D Satheesh Kumar, Vice President- Operations, Rane Madras also spoke on management perspective on progressing approach on Industrial Relations and mentioned that, healthy dialogues between the stake holders will only bring in harmony in the Industrial relations. Earlier, K Anantha Gowda, Convenor, HR Panel CII Mysuru, and GM and HR Jubilant Generics Limited welcomed the guests. Mr Gopal Krishna Sastry extended the Vote of Thanks and Concluded the Session.

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