CII Media Releases
CII releases Vision 2047 for Indian Poultry Sector at the National Conference on Poultry and Poultry Products
Oct 31, 2023

CII releases Vision 2047 for Indian Poultry Sector at the National  Conference on Poultry and Poultry Products


Confederation of Indian Industry organized the National Conference on Poultry and Poultry Products in New Delhi today. The conference also saw the release of a report “Vision 2047 for Indian Poultry Sector” during the programme. The report presents a vision for the poultry sector in India for 2047, when India celebrates its centenary year of independence. According to the report, vision for 2047 is to establish a globally recognized and sustainable poultry sector that and meets domestic demand, expands exports, and leads in technological innovation.

Setting the context for the conference, Mr Suresh Chitturi, Co-Chairman, CII National Committee on Animal Husbandry and Dairy and Managing Director, Srinivasa Farms, stated that “Poultry sector ensures protein rich diets for humans, contributes towards sustainable livestock development, provides livelihood security for millions of people especially in rural India and has immense processing opportunities. His remarks provided a foundation for the subsequent discussions and highlighted the importance and affordability of protein-rich foods, such as poultry meat and eggs particularly among the middle-class consumers. He further emphasized the role of poultry sector in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals of no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, gender equality, and climate action.

Mr O P Singh, Managing Director, Huvepharma SEA (Pune) Pvt Ltd in his address, said that “India can achieve protein surplus through better communication philosophy for consumers, rapid response system towards disease control, and by developing a cost effective, safe, futuristic and sustainable food delivery model.”

The conference deliberated on the key growth drivers, branding and packaging, alignment between human health and livestock sector. The speakers also discussed the enablers to make Indian poultry industry more vibrant and largest in the world contributing towards the wellbeing of farmers and the overall economic growth and development of the country. Themed around "Feathers of Growth: Advancing the Indian Poultry Sector", the conference brought together diverse participants from government, industry, startups and academia to promote an inclusive and sustainable poultry sector. The deliberations at the conference focussed on ways to expand India’s export share and the interventions needed to make Indian poultry sector a world leader.

A sequel of this conference is being planned for early January in Hyderabad where all stakeholders will reconvene to take forward the discussions.


31 October 2023

New Delhi

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