
Join CII Today and Expand Your Business, Network and Knowledge

CII Membership Benefits

As a Member of CII, you will access a world of opportunities, from networking with the corporate majors of Indian and global industry to assisting in framing economic and industrial policies, through close linkage with the Government. CII's proactive approach focusses on helping you to increase efficiency and competitiveness.

  • Platform to interact with other Members, Institutions, State & Central Governments
  • Fora to meet global business and political leaders
  • Participate in topical seminars, training programmes, conferences and meetings
  • Networking opportunities with Indian and global corporate majors
  • Platform to enhance business and develop newer markets

Enhancing Competitiveness of Indian Companies

CII delivers a customized portfolio of training programmes as well as consultative and advisory services to help member companies build internal competitiveness, enhance capacity and sharpen competencies through 9 Centres of Excellence, Technology Development and Skill Development Centres. Working in tandem with Government, Industry and organizations, CII takes forward a robust agenda to catalyse excellence, innovation, employability and productivity across sectors:

Social Sector Activities

Community development, population, health, literacy, HRD, consumer affairs, rural development - your involvement is needed to make that crucial difference.

Information Dissemination
  • Access to publications and reports on a wide range of subjects
  • Monthly journal - e-Newsletter, CII Communique; subscribe to newsletters on Green Business
  • Opportunities, Quality, WTO Monthly Economic Report, Finance & Taxation, Business Focus
  • 68 Corporate / Regional / State / Zonal / District offices providing assistance at all levels - CII's Online Business Resource Centre

CII through its online digital platform, offers a wide range of services to its member to enable members to take advantage of their membership digitally. The online services offered by include:

Info Tracker
  • Government Notifications
  • Policy Tracker
  • Investment Tracker
  • Schemes for SMEs
Knowledge Centre
  • Sectoral Reports/Research Papers
  • State of Economy - weekly and monthly
  • Proceedings of Business Conferences/Events
  • Sectoral Vision Documents
Business Leads
  • Tender Information
  • B2B Opportunities
  • Market Intelligence
  • Members' Directory
  • Legal Advisory
Online Communities
  • Peer Group Networking
  • Advisory Services
  • Discussion Boards
  • Communities
  • Group Webinars

Members can access the above services through These services are also available through CII Mobile Apps available for IOS and Android devised from IOS App Store and Google Play Store respectively.

CII has been taking major initiatives in the field of corporate citizenship such as literacy, population management, health, community affairs and corporate governance code. CII Foundation plays an important role in this initiative.

Download CII App:
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