Message from the Chairman
Vir Advani
Vir Advani
CII International & Trade Policy Council 2022-23
and Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Bluestar Limited
As one of the largest economies in the world, India attributes much of its economic growth to its international economic engagement. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) believes it is imperative for India to deepen Indian industry's overseas footprint and works on developing the right policy environment, along with targeted measures to enhance overseas networks.

The CII International & Trade Policy Council aims to amplify development gains through greater participation in global trade and investment of Indian industry. It provides inputs on free trade agreement discussions, standards, exports and foreign trade policy, imports and areas such as sustainable development, digitalisation, healthcare and other overseas economic partnerships. In particular, the Council engages to facilitate and boost investment flows both in and out of India and develops partnerships between Indian and international businesses, thus contributing to internationalisation and business expansion.

To promote international cooperation, and to support Indian industry in trade and investments, the CII International & Trade Policy Council works along with the Ministry of External Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Indian embassies/missions abroad. We also maintain a unique global network of other stakeholders including international institutions / multilateral agencies, think tanks and various universities, articulating industry's position on national and global policy and economic issues.

With 8 overseas offices in Australia, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, UAE, UK, and USA, CII plays a key role in increasing India's global footprint by building networks and enabling partnerships. A range of international seminars, conferences and deliberations with visiting State and Industry delegations from other nations are held on a regular basis. Our flagship convention is the CII Partnership Summit, held annually since 1995 to bring together international stakeholders and connect them to opportunities in India. Many regional seminars are also held with high participation from overseas.

CII has more than 350 MoUs with counterpart chambers of commerce and other international institutions in 133 countries. Platforms such as track-II dialogues, business forums and country/region specific groups carry forward Indian industry's overseas engagement. The CII Market Facilitation Services help businesses to identify key opportunities overseas.

I request you to connect with CII and expand your growth opportunities on the global stage.
To gain a more detailed insight about the work of CII International, please contact +91-11-24629994-7


Vir Advani
( Chairman, CII International Council )
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