Vision & Mission
CII International's Vision is To play a catalytic role in linking CII with multiple stakeholders across the globe and projecting Indian industry as a stable and dependable partner.

It acts on behalf of Indian Industry in making representations to governments and intergovernmental organizations. It occupies the highest-level consultative status with the government and its specialized agencies.

Its Mission is To access more markets for Indian Industry, and create B2B opportunities for membership.

This it does by leveraging inter departmental synergies to take India's international economic relations to new levels, across the entire spectrum of economic cooperation from agriculture to manufacturing, from services to knowledge based industries, from nanotechnology to FDI, from infrastructure to the setting up of SEZs.

The Department's work encompasses:
    International Offices
  • Promoting international Cooperation
  • Supporting progress of Indian industry in trade, investment and related issues
  • Accessing technologies
  • Fostering professionalism and competitiveness
  • Providing policy inputs to the Government
  • Promoting global connectivity for Indian industry
  • Creating ground support for Indian industry in different countries through linkages
  • Developing market access for Indian exporters
  • Providing policy inputs to government on FTAs, RTAs and CEOs
  • Building people-to-people contacts with countries to enhance trade
  • Providing investment into India
  • Promoting Brand India
The methodology includes:

Global Partnerships: CII maintains a unique worldwide network of partnerships with governments (both at federal and at provincial levels), legislators, industry institutes, academia, think tanks, media, Indian Diaspora and multilateral agencies. It has a vast network of counterpart organizations to help Indian Industry reach out to all parts of the globe. With 240 counterpart organizations in 101 countries, Indian industry has access to an enormous resource base to develop fresh linkages.

Meetings with Heads of State, decision makers and business delegations are coordinated for Indian business to develop meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships across the globe. CII International organizes missions of Indian business leaders and executives to various countries to facilitate direct dialogue, exchange of ideas and bilateral business opportunities.

The Biennial International Engineering and Technology Fair (IETF) which started off as an event to showcase Indian engineering products to international visitors in 1975, has since become a biennial event that brings together participants from countries across the world, to link and reinforce entrepreneurial energies across borders while underlining the importance of technology transfer. The IETF is organized with a partner country, which is provided a platform to project its capabilities and products.

Made in India and Enterprise India Exhibitions are organized in key markets to display Indian products abroad. Road Shows are conducted in different cities in various countries, with high-level delegations of Ministers, Officials and business leaders making presentations on the new India story.

There has been a collaboration with the World Economic Forum for over 20 years to host the annual India Economic Summit (IES) in New Delhi. The IES attracts increasing numbers of Business Leaders from across the world, and maps the economic development of the country while raising awareness about investment opportunities. In addition, CII International has ensured the presence of Indian industry and senior political leadership at Davos.

The Partnership Summit is an annual event where world leaders are invited to address delegates from diverse countries. Now in its 26th year, it is a flagship event of the International department.

Another tool used by CII International, is to undertake research and bring out publications, guides and background papers pertaining to different countries for members and delegates.

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