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CII statement on prime minister’s address to the nation on independence day
Aug 15, 2022

CII Statement on Prime Minister’s Address to the Nation on Independence Day 2022 from Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII

Sharing his views on the Prime Minister’s Independence Day address to the nation on Independence Day, Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), said that the Prime Minister’s inspiring vision of a developed India by 2047 invokes the collective spirit of 130 crore Indians to bring about change. The big goals, mindset change and collective responsibility that the Prime Minister outlined will go a long way as we step into Amrit Kaal for the next 25 years. The 5 resolutions outlined by the Prime Minister define India’s course of action to catalyze its growth & development, backed by innovation, gender parity, technological prowess and a thriving start-up ecosystem.

The Prime Minister’s emphasis on R&D and startups in India’s journey towards self-reliance is most apt at a time when digitalisation is transforming sectors from education and healthcare to space and defence. The focus on unleashing the power of gender equality is welcome as respect for women will be a key contributor to growth. He also rightly stressed that India’s traditions and lifestyle practices are already helping the world in combating climate change, which we must take forward more strongly.

The Prime Minister’s vision sets the template for the agenda for India@100 that CII is in the process of developing. India’s youth can be an important supplier of skilled manpower to the world, and education and healthcare will be central areas of focus for the years ahead. CII has identified 14 thematic areas to evolve a comprehensive vision and is working to create an India that is Morally, Economically, and Technologically Advanced – a META India@100.


15 August 2022

New Delhi

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