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Vikram Kirloskar, Past President, CII leaves a deep void in Indian industry
Nov 30, 2022

Vikram Kirloskar, Past President, CII leaves a deep void in Indian industry

CII deeply mourns the sudden and tragic demise of Mr Vikram Kirloskar, Past President, CII and Chairman and MD, Kirloskar Systems Ltd and Vice Chairman, Toyota Kirloskar Motor. Mr Kirloskar led CII as its President during 2019-20 and earlier served as President-Designate and Vice President. During his term, he led CII’s initiatives at a time when the industry organisation was marking 125 years of its leadership of Indian industry and the country was passing through the challenging phase of covid pandemic.

“Vikram’s untimely demise is a personal loss for me and CII. A leader of Indian industry, he impressed all with his commitment and dedication to always making it a force for good. As President of CII and at other times, he led many impactful initiatives across manufacturing competitiveness, internationalisation and green economy. His legacy will continue to guide CII and Indian industry long into the future. Vikram leaves an immense void in the firmament of industry in India. My deepest condolences to Geetanjali and Manasi, for whom CII would always be there as family,” said Mr Sanjiv Bajaj, President, CII.

Mr Kirloskar led CII through different positions held over the years, including Chairman of Southern Region, Chairman of the CII Manufacturing Council and Trade Fairs Council, Chairman of Green Hydrogen Task Force, and Chairman, Japan Committee. As President CII during 2019-20, he worked on many policy issues such as fiscal deficit, corporate tax rate reduction, access to credit and decriminalisation of business offences.

Mr Kirloskar guided CII’s engagement on competitiveness of Indian manufacturing with a strong thrust on quality and efficiency. He placed special emphasis on sustainability with initiatives on plastic waste management and crop residue management. Sustainable mobility was a personal passion for him and he led CII’s initiatives on a facilitative policy for electric vehicles as well as issues of energy efficiency. CII’s Green Hydrogen Mission also took off under his leadership. The former president was at the forefront of corporate governance and during his term, CII brought out revised guidelines for corporate governance to strengthen industry efforts.

Mr Kirloskar was especially passionate about community development efforts and during the COVID pandemic period, he led outreach to vulnerable sections of society. Under his leadership, CII provided relief materials and reached out to over 8 million people, including through meals and rations. Other areas that he guided included women empowerment and early childhood education.

A warm and gentle leader, Mr Kirloskar leaves a legacy of strong and committed leadership of Indian industry with a human touch. His leadership of industry across multiple areas of competitiveness, globalisation, technology and corporate governance will always be remembered. He leaves behind a deep void. CII condoles his passing and stands with his family during this time of grief.


New Delhi

30 November 2022

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