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CII Annual CEOs Mission and Annual UK Conference, Inaugural Session: "2030 Roadmap & Enhanced Trade Partnership Agreement"

Video of CII Annual CEOs Mission and Annual UK Conference, Inaugural Session: “2030 Roadmap & Enhanced Trade Partnership Agreement”.

The India-UK roadmap to 2030 covers areas that are Political, Trade and Investments Related, Defence and Security, Science and Technology 4.0, Climate Change and Cooperation in Green and Clean Energy, Sustainable Urban Development, Healthcare, Skill Development, Migration and Mobility and Culture & Diversity.

The focus is to explore, enhance and strengthen the India UK ties through coordination for effective multilateralism including on reforming the multilateral institutions; strengthening the economic and financial dialogue, cooperate on smart and sustainable urbanisation, build and agree on common standards to facilitate exports, cooperate under the Defence and International Security Partnership (DISP), bring together tech innovations, promoting secure, affordable and sustainable supplies of energy, explore social security agreements, establish cooperation in alternate medicines and increase generic medicine supplies, promote mutual exchange programmes for skill enhancement and build cultural linkages between the two countries.

Duration of the video is 1 hour 12 minutes 45 seconds

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