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Conference on corporate frauds - Governance and risk management 2022: Inaugural session

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organised a Conference on “Corporate Frauds: Governance and Risk Management” on Thursday, 17 November 2022 at Mumbai.

This was in partnership with National Foundation or Corporate Governance (a Ministry of Corporate Affairs led initiative). The Conference were in-person day-long engagement with stakeholders including Regulators; corporates; investors; risk professionals; governance professionals; cyber specialists and fraud and forensic professionals.

The Conference were focused on the following key themes:

Fraud Prevention and Risk Management in times of Uncertainty: Business Resilience in volatile times: Multidisciplinary Approach; Fraud Governance – Lessons from Global crisis; Role of Regulators and Investigating agencies; Defining Workplace Whistle blowing and Vigil Mechanism; Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy - Role of corporate culture; Cyber Security – How Vulnerable is Corporate India

Fraud Risk Management - How to get the formula right?: Role of Board in improving culture and accountability; Board Agility – Impact of global disruptions on decision making; Dissent – Reality or Myth?; Increasing expectations from governance professionals - Independent Directors, Audit Committee, and others; Managing stakeholder expectations; Young and Dynamic Companies - Growth v/s Compliance Conundrum; Enterprise Risk and Uncertainty Management - Identifying common threads or potential indicators in frauds and risks; Learning from past events – external and internal

Changing dynamics of due diligence – do we need to do more or less: What due diligence does India Inc needs to undergo as the country turns 75; Pre-transaction diligence vs post-investment monitoring; Board representation v/s Investor v/s Partner – Role of Investor; Navigating through a heightened cyber threat environment - Mitigation of risks resulting from digital disruptions; Reliance on regulatory and legal framework to address institutional disputes

Rising White Collar Crime – fighting it post pandemic: Frauds during and post pandemic – trends; Is internal audit/monitoring enough?; Data and information leakage – how to address this growing risk; Whistle blowing – what will make employees speak up; Need for stronger compliance and training framework; Anti-bribery/Corruption/Sanctions – increased accountability in a globalized environment

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