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Session on Mediation: Singapore and India Perspective

Keeping in view the imperative nature of Dispute Resolution and its role in Indian Economy, CII has partnered with Chamberz International Pte Ltd (Singapore) for organizing a Series of Three sessions on ADR for Indian businesses and industries. The first session of the series Institutionalization of international arbitration in India was organised in May 2022. 

The Second session of the series ‘Mediation: Singapore and India Perspective’ was held on Friday, 5th August 2022.

Broad issues for discussion during the session are as under:

Introduction to Mediation as a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (known as “Singapore Convention on Mediation”)

Singapore’s success story in international & domestic mediation: Legislation and Process

Institutional Mediation in Singapore: Singapore Mediation Centre and Singapore International Mediation Centre

Ratification of Singapore Convention on Mediation by several countries including India

Draftl India Mediation Bill 2021

Advantages of Mediation over other forms of ADR

Mediated Settlement Agreements and enforcement

Challenges ahead for mediation in India

Suggestions from Indian industry and practitioners in making Mediation an attractive form of dispute resolution

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