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Panel Discussion on "Managing Scalable Businesses"

Panel Discussion on "Managing Scalable Businesses" at the CII Entrepreneurship Conclave 2017 held on 1 March 2017 at Mumbai. The panelists were - Ravind Mithe, Partner-Strategy and Operations, Management Consulting, KPMG India (moderator), Sandeep Naolekar, Chairman-CII Entrepreneurship Conclave 2017 and Chairman-CII (WR) MSME Sub-Committee and Managing Director, Darling Pumps Pvt. Ltd., Rajiv Mitra, Managing Director, Govind Milk & Milk Products Pvt. Ltd., Ankit Mehta, Chief Executive Officer, ideaForge Technology Pvt. Ltd., Varun Sheth, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Ketto at the CII Entrepreneurship Conclave 2017 held on 1 March 2017 at Mumbai.

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