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Global Unicorn Series 2021: Session with Mr. Rahul Garg, Founder, Moglix

This is the proceedings of Global Unicorn Series 2021: Session with Mr. Rahul Garg, Founder, Moglix

Today, many early-stage start-ups are in a race to define their identity in the market. Merely raising fund and developing a good product isn’t enough to ensure a big win. Unicorns on the other hand have clearly defined themselves as the technologically sound companies, which are helping create a developed economy.

In view to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurs and guide them to become the next unicorn, CII in partnership with SoftBank India organized Global Unicorn series 2021. The Global Unicorn series will have participation from major global unicorns sharing their journey towards the unicorn glory.

As a part of the aforesaid series, CII organized the session with Mr Rahul Garg, Founder, Moglix on 8 October 2021.

The session primarily oriented around the journey of becoming a unicorn starting from how to transform idea to startup, and further transmute to a unicorn, highlighting the examples of success, driving factors, mantra, and envisioning the future of unicorns followed by subsequent interaction with the participants.

Duration of the video is 1hour 50 seconds.

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